All tagged misinformation

How News Avoidance Is Reshaping Reputation Strategy: Critical Insights for Business Leaders, Investors, and Government Decision-makers

The Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism published an article this week that discussed the growing trend of news avoidance amongst specific audience groups. The establishment of ‘news avoidance’ is having a profound implication not just for governments but also for businesses and their efforts to build and manage their reputations.

12 Trends for 2021

Here are some technology, innovation, trade and public relations trends to look out for in 2021. Normally will be returning, but slowly and the appetite for innovation will be greater than ever.

How to build trust in the age of misinformation

Conversation and interview with Fathm Founder and CEO Fergus Bell on issues relating to trust in the age of misinformation. As the former Associated Press' (AP) International Social Media and UGC Editor, Fergus has a wealth of insight on all matters relating to verification of content online and how it impacts storytelling and truth and trust.

Fergus and I discuss the rise of misinformation and what journalism and communications professionals can do to increase trust in the media, government and corporate organisations.