All tagged communications
The Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism published an article this week that discussed the growing trend of news avoidance amongst specific audience groups. The establishment of ‘news avoidance’ is having a profound implication not just for governments but also for businesses and their efforts to build and manage their reputations.
American venture capital firms are making fewer deals. They are, as has been said before, keeping their investment powder dry for now. They are risk averse and seek opportunities where trust and reputation are factored into the business plan. But what can start-ups and companies looking for investments do to reassure VCs and other investors? I outline some initial strategic and tactical thinking and activities.
Venture capital companies are still one of the leading investors in innovation and growth but because of the current fiscal landscape they are keeping back on many deals. Now could be the time for corporate ventures to move in and establish their capital and sector expertise. But to do this they need an effective strategy and communication.
Last week the Edelman Trust Barometer 2022 and the Royal Society’s research on the online information environment highlighted the impact of social media on the decrease in trust and reputation of governments and the media. How can this be resolved?
Here are some technology, innovation, trade and public relations trends to look out for in 2021. Normally will be returning, but slowly and the appetite for innovation will be greater than ever.
Insight from my conversation with Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2020 Lead Author Nic Newman. We discuss the impact of digital and social on the media industry and how COVID is accelerating the pace of digital transformation. We also talk about misinformation and the impact on trust and reputation.
Building digital services is complicated, it takes time and money, and the journey to delivery is full of risk.
Getting the service or technology adopted though is all about setting and managing expectations. For too many products though, the communications happens just before the go-live, when public relations and marketing is commissioned. But is this right? Can communications and engagement better support in the managing of risk during the design and development stages? After all, experience isn’t just set by the interaction with a product, expectations are met, or not, by what users are told before the go-live, by the narrative that is set and promoted.